Hallow Dear
Your complete history suggests that you have undergone
spontaneous abortion. the facts supporting this conclusion are:
1. After confirmed pregnancy you had
heavy vaginal bleeding. This bleeding was associated with pain in abdomen. Usually bleeding associated with
abdominal pain results in to non-salvageable abortion - may be complete or incomplete.
2. During the bleeding phase, your hCG levels went on dropping. This was because the baby had become non-viable.
3. Subsequently you had noticed passage of some tissue. These were products of conception.
4. Since after that your bleeding went on diminishing and ultimately stopped. This suggests that your abortion was complete.
Incomplete abortion would have continued to bleed.
After this abortion, you have not indulged in any sexual activity; hence the chances of fresh pregnancy does not arise.
Soreness in the breast could be due to the trailing effects of previous pregnancy on the breasts.
Still to convince yourself, please get
ultrasonography done. This will clarify whether your abortion was complete or some products are still remaining inside the
uterine cavity, in which case, uterine cavity will have to be evacuated completely.
I will still hold on to my view that since you did not have any sexual contact after
miscarriage, there cannot be any possibility of fresh pregnancy.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri